A New Year

I want to start by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!  

New Year's Eve/ New Years has never been one of my favorite holidays, but I do love the newness and inspiration that comes from looking forward to the new year ahead. My hope and challenge for this new year is John 3:30: "He must become greater; I must become less." I want the Lord to be the focus of all that I am and everything that I do. He is our all powerful and unconditionally loving creator, and I want Him to receive all the glory. I think one of the greatest ways to keep our hearts and minds focused on the Lord is through keeping ourselves in scripture (our only solid truth).  One way in which I am focusing on this is by reading the Bible all the way through in 365 days. His word is so powerful, and I am already amazed by how the same stories I have read before are still teaching me new lessons! I am following the She Reads Truth Bible in 365 Days Plan. I highly recommend visiting their website or downloading their app. They have so many wonderful devotions and plans. Several years ago, I read the Bible all the way through at a much slower pace, but I love the She Reads Truth guide. It mixes New and Old Testament, and I love the community of reading along with so many others. 

I know the Lord has perfect plans in store for us all in the year ahead! Sometimes (okay, a lot of times), I am one to get wrapped up in my own plans that I make for myself. I find it so reassuring to let go and know that there is one who is much greater than me that knows my plans and who is leading the way. God is good and he is near. He will be leading us each and every day in the year ahead. As Jeremiah 29:11 says, " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Well, school is back and I will return to regular posting on LCB Style. Over the break, I had such a great time focusing more on more creating and less styling (think: lazy days in my pajamas and puffy jackets at my family's farm). I have also been brainstorming a new way to share my creations (sketches, fashion art, doodles, drawings, paintings, cards, etc.) with everyone, so stay tuned! Also, as I head back to class, I am so excited that I rearranged my schedule to fit in an Apparel Construction class this spring. I am hoping to share a lot of my work and projects with everyone along the way! 

Have a blessed day! 


P.S. Here is a link to a Spotify playlist called "Grace" that I will continue to add to all year.

Caroline Bramlett

A Palm Beach based fashion and travel blog written by Caroline Bramlett.


BEST DRESSED: Golden Globes 2015


Destination Style Spotlight: Paris