A Stylish Trunk for Travel Memories with Petite Keep

Confession: I am a travel hoarder and collector of all the things. I love all the sentimental things and reminders of adventures near and far.

Whether it’s a ticket to a show, a plane ticket to somewhere special, a brochure I picked up at a museum, a name card from a special party, or a kind note from a hotel or brand partner… I keep it all. I come home from trips and special nights, take off my shoes… and spill all the collected momentos into a shoebox to live tucked away in my closet.

If you took a step into my closet, you would see stacks and stacks of shoeboxes with years and seasons marked on them with a black marker. Each box signifies a unique time and season of life. While opening just one box, I am instantly taken back and can almost transport back to the memories of past adventures with just one look inside: my first flight across the Atlantic by myself, attending my first New York Fashion Week show, the opportunity to be a mentor at The Southern C Summit, a girls’ trip to LA… etc. etc.

They say “investment in travel is an investment in yourself” … and keeping these little momentos always keeps these treasured memories alive.

My one problem with keeping all these big and little items from trips and adventures… my storage solution is not a very pretty one, I am running out of room for shoeboxes, and the boxes are starting to fall apart after too many years 😂

Enter: Petite Keep. The most stylish solution for savoring my travel momentos.

To be honest, I am not a “Petite Keep-er” but a BIG keeper of everything from all my travels!

Petite Keep designs the most stylish and well made trunks that can be used for saving and storing all your most special things- whether it’s a newborn baby’s special clothes, all the treasures from your wedding day, or priceless travel collectibles.

You can design your own trunk here- choose from a range of exterior colors, stylish interior fabrics and trims, as well as personalize it with a name or monogram! I had the best time designing this one to fit my travel memories, and the process was super quick and easy.

Once it arrived, I spent hours sorting through my old shoeboxes of travel memories to give them a new home in my Petite Classic Trunk. I was totally drifting off into la la land and getting teary eyed reliving some of these special memories over the past few years. I am so happy to have these things safe and sound in a stylish new home that I know will last forever! I also love that the trunk has found a home on display in my office… just waiting to be filled with more momentos from future travels!

Head over to Petite Keep to see all the design options and create a trunk of your own! Whether you are looking for a stylish storage solution for a child, wedding, or travels… Petite Keep has something for everyone!


Thank you to Petite Keep for partnering with me on this post!

Caroline Bramlett

A Palm Beach based fashion and travel blog written by Caroline Bramlett.


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