Monday Q&A No. 13

Happy Monday! Hope you are all doing well and staying safe amidst everything going on. It is officially day 39 of quarantine for me and while in some ways I feel like I have “gotten used to” this “new normal”… in other ways, it still feels so completely challenging and unfamiliar. Read more of my thoughts on this current season here.

Amidst it all, one of the things I am most grateful for in this crazy time is this blog and continuing to get to work and share posts, photos, stories, and life with each of you. Sending a huge thank you to each of you that continues to come to my site each day- it truly means so much!

Now, time to jump into today’s Q&A! If you have any questions you’d like me to answer, send them over via DM (@lcbstyle), email (, or comment below!


1. What are your 3 favorite skincare products? Right now, I have to say my Lotion P50V 1970, Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask, and Beautycounter Charcoal Mask. I’m also trying out this new product and can’t wait to report back.

2. What are 5 things making you happy during quarantine? While this time has definitely had its challenges and frustrations, there are so many things I am so grateful for right now. One: to be with family. Two: to be with our dogs… I never imagined how much I would miss them when I moved to Palm Beach. Currently laying in bed with our black lab Lucy as I type this :). Three: Settling back into my routine of blogging consistently. I have missed writing and sharing daily posts so much, and I am so grateful that quarantine has allowed me to get back into the habit of posting daily! Four: working more closely with small businesses. I have been so grateful to work with some incredible small businesses over the past few years, and I am so grateful for this platform / to be able to share their beautiful designs/ products/ collections with you. It has given me a sense of purpose during this time to be able to highlight and share some of these brands/boutiques/businesses with you! Five: reading Thirst by Scott Harrison. When I have gotten burnt out from staring at too many screens, this book has been my go-to. I’d sum it up but I think Brene Brown says it best- "Thirst is a story about all of us. In sharing his own remarkable journey, Scott shows us how to find the extraordinary in the ordinary, how to find hope in despair, and how simple acts of generosity can transform everything from what we believe about ourselves to how we connect with each other. In the end, Thirst is about what matters most. Love."

3. What are some fun shoes for spring and summer? Linking my current favorites below! These woven sandals under $150, these funky colorful sandals, and these sneakers under $150 are a few of my favorites! If you are looking for a fun pair of running shoes- these are on my wishlist!

4. What is your go-to nail polish color? “Ballet Slippers” by Essie. It’s the prettiest soft pink that is opaque enough to look like you’re definitely wearing nail polish but light enough to not be distracting. It goes with everything. Also I just love the name itself!

5. Do you blog full time? Yes! I share a little more about this over on my “About" page. I currently create content for LCB Style full time and also work with freelance photography clients (see more here).


Caroline Bramlett

A Palm Beach based fashion and travel blog written by Caroline Bramlett.

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