Monday Q&A No. 4

Happy Monday! Kicking things off with another Q&A post this week (see previous posts in this series here, here, and here). Thank you so much for sending more questions my way!

What’s ahead this week…
I have been looking forward to this week for quite a while because of the rewardStyle conference happening this weekend in Dallas, Texas! I am so thrilled to attend the conference again this year and am equally excited to be spending several days in Dallas. I attended my first #rStheCon two years ago in Spring 2017, which kind of feels like a lifetime ago and yesterday all at the same time. It’s crazy to think about how much has changed since then (I was still in school balancing homework/tests/studying with blogging). Last spring I was a bit bummed to miss out on the conference due to another trip/ conflicting dates… I wanted to be two places at once so bad, but unfortunately that just couldn't happen. Long story short, I’m very happy to be headed back to Dallas this week, and I’m really looking forward to seeing sweet friends, learning from the awesome rewardStyle team, and meeting with brands I love! Follow along on Instagram for the latest and if you have any Dallas recs (restaurants, shops, etc), feel free to send them my way!


1. What did you use to design your website? I designed my website on the Squarespace platform with a bit of assistance from the Go Live HQ team. I minored in computer science in school, so I love tweaking and coding things on my own on the back end from time to time! I love love love playing around with HTML and CSS.

2. Best packing tip? Something that completely changed the way I pack is planning all my outfits (down to the tiniest details- shoes/ earrings/ etc.) before leaving town. Instead of just throwing all the things I like/ think I will want to wear into a suitcase, I really try to nail things down before leaving so I’m positive I have everything I need. I know to some this probably sounds a little crazy and too OCD (or maybe some of you already do this too?), but it has made traveling/packing/getting dressed in hotel rooms a million trillion times easier. Before each of my trips (usually at midnight the night before haha), I put together all the outfits I’ll be wearing and take a quick mirror pic of each. I then create an album in my phone photos app of all the outfit pics, so when I get up each morning on my trip I already have outfits put together to choose from and don’t have to start from scratch. I highly suggest trying it out on your next trip! It’s the best way to eliminate any chance of waking up and having the “I have nothing to wear” feeling!

3. Have you been to Charleston? Any recommendations? YES! I absolutely love Charleston and am dying to visit again soon. You have to stop by Hampden for shopping (tell Stacy I said hi!), get the fish tacos at 167 Raw, pick up a cupcake at Sugar Bakeshop, and take a stroll down Rainbow Row. There are so many great places to eat, shop, and see, I could go on and on. Because there are so many great spots and time can be limited, I would recommend progressive dinners- make reservations at two restaurants and get drinks/appetizers at one and an entree/ dessert at another! It’s the best way to make the most of your time!

4. What's your all time favorite pair of jeans? Such a tough question, because I feel like my “favorite” jeans are always changing. I think I’d have to say either the Mile High Super Skinny by Levi’s or the Super Skinny by Levi’s. They’re both under $100 and I’ve linked them in several washes below!

5. Do you have any recommendations for outfits for the Masters? For a long day at a golf tournament, comfort is key. I would probably go with a simple/versatile dress or shorts and a cute top, sneakers or sandals, and cute sunglasses. See a few of my favorites below.


Caroline Bramlett

A Palm Beach based fashion and travel blog written by Caroline Bramlett.

5 Things I Packed for #rStheCon


Style Board by LCB No. 3