Monday Q&A No. 3

Happy Monday! Over the past couple weeks, I have loved starting the week off with the new “Monday Q&A” series (see the last two weeks’ posts in this series here and here). It’s been such a fun way to answer your questions and share a little bit more about myself and my blog with y’all!

What’s ahead this week…
Spring is just days away, and I can hardly wait. I am welcoming the longer days and sunshine with open arms! The temperatures are finally beginning to warm up a bit, and I am continually checking this page for all the newest spring/summer arrivals.

This week is sure to be a little hectic with more prepping and planning before heading out of town in a few days to celebrate something really fun… stay tuned!


1. How do you continually grow your blog? This is such a good question and one I ask myself daily (if not hourly :). I am always trying my best to create consistent and on brand content while also stretching and challenging myself to try new things and hopefully help each of you along the way (whether it’s through providing inspiration, applicable style tips, or shopping recommendations). With Instagram continually changing, it can be hard to quantify “growth” these days. At the moment my blog is growing much more than my Instagram is, so that is my focus right now. I work to continually grow my blog by working with new brands and creating consistent content. I have learned that the best way to grow is to not focus on growth but on the content I am creating! Another thing that has contributed to the growth of my blog recently is my newsletter, where I share a sneak peek of my newest blog posts as well as fashion finds I don’t share anywhere else. Enter your email and join the list here!

2. How do you make the cute graphics on your stories? I love using the Unfold and Over apps to create unique graphics for my stories. I also kind of treat Instagram stories like the old, old “Microsoft Paint” app I grew up using in elementary school (lol) and always have so much fun with it.

3. What spring fashion items are you most excited about? This probably changes daily, but right now I am most excited for all things straw, floral, and striped. I am also pretty excited that all the ultra bright things are really in style this season. The more color the merrier :) Linked my favorites below. And see more spring favorites on my “March Wishlist” here.

4. Favorite beach vacation spot? I’d have to say Palm Beach, Sea Island, and Seaside are my favorite beach spots at the moment! See my travel guides/ hotel reviews here.

5. What are your favorite songs that never fail to put you in a good mood? Usually anything by Coldplay. I went to two of their concerts in Summer 2016 and 2017 (A Head Full of Dreams Tour), and seeing them live was literally a life changing experience. I have never seen anyone with more talent, love, energy, or enthusiasm for what they do! It was so inspiring. I always tell myself that if I can put as much energy and passion into what I do as they put into their music/performances, anything is possible. Listening to this album always makes me smile. Currently listening to it now as I write this post! On another note, the Spotify “Have a Great Day” playlist is really happy too and always puts me in a great mood.


Caroline Bramlett

A Palm Beach based fashion and travel blog written by Caroline Bramlett.

Stepping Into Spring: Midi Dresses


Style Board by LCB No. 2